! Co LAPse KoDe

Kaleidoscope & Object Score Notation, the Next Generation

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Pierre left Brasil when An arrived, leaving the machine in a fine & properly functioning state. But it seemed he had taken his particular karma with him, because when Dorothe & An tried to boot the machine with objscrs, the camera stayed liveless.

>>> freeglut (openframeworks): OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display ‘:0.0’ Read the rest of this post

4 new ways of tracking

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The participants of the Workshop Motion Tracking Traces imagined collectively different ways of representing the tracking. They made annotations of their ideas that Pierre introduced as literally as possible into the code.
Thanks to all the participants and to Pierre who burned his brain!! Read the rest of this post

Motion Tracking Traces – Workshop- 16,17,18/06

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Motion tracking is based on the analysis of differences between images in a video input. We’ll propose an exploration of how these differences are built in OBJSCRS, then trace new paths from the video input to the actual motion tracker.

Often kept as an internal object in motion tracking applications, the resulting data structure of the tracking process will constitute the subject of the second part of the workshop. We’ll build visualizations out of this data structure, whether on screen or in any other possible form.

At this point, we’ll play with the specific way the program deals with event triggering by means of scores. OBJSCRS offers a large variety of possible responses to motion tracking, using it to trigger different features, from video overlay to arithmetic operations. We’ll dedicate this last part of the workshop at writing new scores, and possibly new objects, which will be played by the program in interaction with attendees.

“June Meeting” at Marginalia+Lab

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Pierre et Dorothé présentent le projet !Co LAPse KoDe  ainsi que le déroulement et but de la  résidence à Belo Horizonte

“June Meeting” at Marginalia+Lab. Saturday 11 at 4pm.

Le mot est passé maintenant nous espèrons découvrir et travailler avec des programmeurs, chorégraphes, conteurs, musiciens, artistes visuel,.. Locaux. Let’s see .

See the video of the livestreaming if you missed it!!

Try-out Kinect

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We had fun trying out the Kinect in the Constant’s office, Rue du Fortstraat and De Pianofabriek. In the end we decided to stick with our classical surveillance camera for this project !CoLAPseKode. Read the rest of this post

Score Patio & Stage in De Pianofabriek

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With the new objects grab & anim we created the following score. It goes with a small script and is best executed it with the residents of the house.

0/ video on stage – player 1 moves inside the imagined picture of the patio – grab stage_

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Update manual

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The one and only manual of objscrs dated from December 2009, so with all these changes and the perspective of the public workshops in Belo Horizonte, we spent some time to update the manual.

You can find it here: http://www.objscrs.org/downloads.
It also includes info on the new settings format and some of the new objects, body_route, route, body_age, osc_in, etc.

GRAB! & some other new objects

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The latest experience in De Pianofabriek made us dream about capturing a videostream and play it back on the spot in a transparancy mode, something that would require a very powerful processor. Toonloop, a tool that has been very much appreciated at Constant lately (since OSP brought it back from LGM Montreal), offered the methodology for the grab and anim object.
First we grabbed manually using Alt+g and ran this script to make the grabs transparant and show them with anim-object. You need to add a transparant image in the folder where you run the script (tran.png) and indicate the prefix it has to match [-m], the degree of transparancy [-p] and the output mentioned in the load message of the anim object [-o]:
$ tranimages.py -t tran.png -m prefix_ -p 50 -o letter_

… the time Simon finished creating the grab-object! Then we forgot about it 🙂
Both objects can be combined with a metronome function. Just one click and the machine films the scene & plays it back!
What a joy!

Other objects Simon added in the Brussels’ residency were route & body_route to guide information from one precise body to different objects and osc_in.

Swapping between surveillance cameras

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This time in De Pianofabriek we had the permission to connect objscrs to one of the surveillance cameras in the matrix room. During the entire week we could switch permanently between the ‘stage’ and ‘the patio’, which caused a lot of confusion in our heads in the first place.

swapping & overlays

swapping between cameras & using overlays

The connection was smooth: thanks to the stageboxes DPF can beam the video stream up in less than 5 minutes. The videoswitcher that was part of their previous surveillance system (and almost ended up in the trash) found a new life:

1st Arrival in Belo Horizonte

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Filed under Marginalia+Lab, Pix, Report